Lab 7 - Correlations

Lab 7

OLS regression line


Don’t skimp on these! There are some really useful links in here!


GitHub Pages (not graded separately)

Add a project to your GitHub portfolio, follow instructions from in-class demo. Submit a link to your portfolio page here (not the backend).

Spatial Analysis (graded separately, please turn-in the PDF as well as zip file)

For a demonstration of collecting data for Lab 7, see this demonstration project. Be sure to selected download.

  1. Qmd Part 1: Follow the steps here ( to do your first lab in GeoDa. The sample data set can be downloaded here ( Reproduce this section in a Qmd.

  2. Qmd Part 2: For any coastal/river-based place/county, use tidycensus to download data on two different variables that you think are related, at the census tract level, and explore a relationship between the two variables using GeoDa. Use erase_water to remove water from the shapefile. Save results into a shapefile and render this portion to html, then print to PDF.

  3. QGIS: Use your shapefile to produce a polished map showing the relationship. Include all the necessary components for a map.

  4. Qmd Part 3: Explain what you did and your findings for Part 2. Include maps where necessary to show the geography and the erasure of water.


This I’ll be looking for while I’m grading.

  1. (15 points) In your Quarto: What are the comments like, both in r chunks and in text? Are they sufficient? Is the formatting of the markdown proper? Are the headers done properly? Are r chunks named appropriately (hint: is there a setup r chunk)?

  2. (10 points) Are the polished maps actually polished? Follow the guidelines discussed in class.

  3. (5 points) Is your write-up clear? Does it explain the relationship?

Explore GeoDa, which has excellent documentation, and come come up do something that you’re proud of.


What to turn-in

Turn in a single PDF. - On the first page, please include a short header. - Complete the exercises and produce a polished map. - The output of your Qmd should be an HTML, which you then open and print to PDF.